Can you get a public defender for divorce?

Can you get a public defender for divorce?

Lawyers can be expensive. Although hiring a lawyer to help you divorce is ideal, you may not be able to get legal advice due to your financial situation. In some situations, the court may require a high-earning spouse to pay legal expenses and expenses of a lower-income spouse, which allows lower-income people to obtain legal assistance. Can you get a public defender for divorce?

When can I use a non-profit lawyer?

There are legal aid offices (also called legal services) in the United States. Legal aid offices are non-profit agencies that provide free legal assistance to people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. While many legal aid offices only help people with very low incomes, some offices have more flexible rules on income. 

Legal aid usually covers matters regarding:

  • Domestic violence – if your partner is abusing you, legal aid can help you get a protection order, childcare order, and divorce.
  • Family law – if you have childcare or a divorce case, legal aid may be able to help. Call your local legal aid office or ask a judge in a case to appoint a legal aid lawyer to represent you in court.
  • Housing – if you are evicted from your home or if your home is excluded, legal aid may be able to help.
  • Public Benefits – If you have a problem with benefits, food stamps, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security, legal help can help.
Can you get a public defender for divorce?

Pro Bono divorce lawyers

If you find that you can’t afford a lawyer after getting acquainted with divorce lawyers and fee arrangements, you may consider finding a free divorce lawyer. For people on low incomes, think about federally funded subsidized legal services programs. Sometimes you can also find pro bono divorce lawyers through your local or state bar association. Such services are usually awarded only depending on the needs, whether due to finances or other circumstances.

Take a loan

If you know that you will receive a lump sum during or after a divorce, for example that you and your spouse agree to sell a marriage apartment, it may be a good idea to borrow money to cover legal expenses. This is a good option if you have significant assets that cannot be liquidated during a divorce. You can also use a credit card or borrow from family and friends as long as you can pay it back.

Represent yourself

If none of these options suits you, you have no choice but to introduce yourself. If you file for an uncontested divorce, which means your spouse will disagree, you can file for it without the help of a lawyer. 

You can also contact lawyers to find out if they offer any services that will help you represent yourself. Divorce can be very complicated, especially if you have children, real estate, do business or have a pension. To get the best result, you need help from the profession and you should do your best to hire him. I hope some of these tips can help if you absolutely can’t afford a lawyer.


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