Before buying a heating boiler, it is a good idea to choose the place where you want to place the boiler first, because then we know exactly what parameters we should pay attention to. It will also allow us to adjust the boiler to our requirements. When installing the boiler, the applicable regulations must be observed. Can a furnace be installed in an attic?
Gas boiler in the bathroom
The heating boiler installed in the bathroom works especially when we additionally heat it with utility water, which then has the shortest path. This increases the efficiency of the stove. Due to the nature of most bathrooms, which belong to small rooms, it is worth choosing hanging dual function models or with an integrated hot water storage tank heated systematically according to demand without storage. Boilers with a closed combustion chamber will work better in the bathroom.
Cauldron in the kitchen
The kitchen is a room where both hanging and standing boilers can be installed – in accordance with the space available, they can also contain a large storage tank. Installation can be limited to incorporating the device into hanging kitchen cabinets. This solution allows partial hiding of the installation. Remember to leave space for free access to the boiler from all sides. It is also worth taking care of choosing models with a quiet mode of operation so that they do not disturb us.
Boiler in the boiler room, utility room
The ideal place for a boiler with the least installation difficulty is of course the boiler room. If we have such a place in our house, we can choose large boilers with capacious tanks. Due to the distance of the device from other domestic rooms, it is worth ensuring automatic control and a hot water circulation system.

Boiler in the attic
Installing the boiler in the attic of a one-story house or on the top floor in a multi-story house is a solution far from ideal, but often the best possible, and sometimes simply the only one. In houses with a small area or renovated, without a basement, there is often a problem with finding space for the boiler room. It is worth considering the option of placing the boiler in the attic. For LPG, natural gas or oil. A gas boiler with a capacity of up to 30 kW, which is sufficient for most single-family houses, may or may not be installed in a specially designed room. Hanging hangs on a wall with a sufficiently durable construction (it must support the boiler, and sometimes also a full hot water tank), the standing ones are large enough to be usually placed in separate rooms.
The natural gas boiler can be located at any building level. It can be placed in the attic as well as in the basement or on the ground floor.